Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How I got out of Agriculture and into Tech...

You may recall that I was originally in the field of Agriculture. No really - in the FIELD of Agriculture. I have to admit I was a bit of a natural at it, herding things, and stalking other things. Sleeping, then stalking things again. Maybe lying in the sun, pretending to be stalking things - a girl's gotta have a little fun sometimes, no ? Field work was really good for me, as I like watching the weather change, and long walks, and stalking wildlife. I mean, who doesn't love nature ? I believe it was Apone who said "Another glorious day on the Farm! A day on the Farm is like a day in the Marine Corps. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the FARM!

Unfortunately, my ability to discern the difference between wildlife and the rest of my working group... well there were some challenges. In that I mean some of my peers were clearly delicious, but the owners of the establishment didn't quite agree on the tasting schedule. Honestly, there were some disputes, and after some discussions with Human Resources, I took an opportunity to grow in another direction.

I must say - Such a good move! I mean, who better to augment my own ability to search out ( and frankly, distinguish ) edibles than the worlds greatest search engine? The benefits are good, and my peers understand that "I'm with management" - And HR discussions seem to mostly consist of pets and biscuits.

Did I mention that every day here is a party ?

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